BPH Prostate enlargement

The prostate is a small gland in the male reproductive system. Prostate surrounds your urethra and makes most of the fluid in your semen.
In men, the prostate can become enlarged. Sometimes it leads to urinary symptoms and, over time, other complications. However, there are treatments.
It is a benign condition means (Non Cancerous.)
Symptoms of Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH)
Initial symptoms include:
- Weak urinary stream
- Strain when urinating
- Incomplete bladder emptying
- Dibbling at the end of your urinary stream
- Nocturia, which is the need to urinate two or more times per night
Later your Bladder Health can be affected (Which is a late sign and sometimes cannot be reversed):
- Sudden urge to urinate
- Incontinence, or leakage of urine
- Frequency
- painful urination
- blood in the urine
- Bladder stone
- Kidney failure
- Symptoms
- IPSS form -It is a simple form which filled at your consulatation gives idea about the severity of problem
- Urine Test
- Ultrasound Of Kidney ,bladder,Prostate
- Conservative-Life style modification
- Medical
- Surgery
Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP) (Rebore/Shaving of prostate/Cleaning )
Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) is surgery to remove prostate tissue. It is done when an overgrown prostate gland is pressing on the urethra and making it hard for a man to urinate.
You may need a urinary catheter for a short time. It is a flexible plastic tube used to drain urine from your bladder when you can’t urinate on your own and to wash blood. It will be removed in 2-3 days after your operation.
For several days after surgery, you may feel burning when you urinate. Your urine may be pink for 1 to 3 weeks after surgery. You also may have bladder cramps, or spasms.
You may still feel like you need to urinate often in the weeks after your surgery. It often takes up to 6 weeks for this to get better.
Most men can return to work or many of their usual tasks in 1 to 3 weeks. But for about 6 weeks, try to avoid heavy lifting and strenuous activities that might put extra pressure on your bladder.
Most men still can have erections after surgery (if they were able to have them before surgery). But they may not ejaculate when they have an orgasm. Semen may go into the bladder instead of out through the penis. This is called retrograde ejaculation. It does not hurt and is not harmful to your health.
Laser Turp

Laser surgery can offer several advantages over other methods of treating Prostate enlargement (BPH), such as transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) and open prostatectomy. The advantages can include:
- Lower risk of bleeding. Laser surgery can be a good option for men who take medication to thin their blood or who have a bleeding disorder that doesn’t allow their blood to clot normally.
- Shorter or no hospital stay. Laser surgery can be done on an outpatient basis or with just an overnight hospital stay.
- Quicker recovery. Recovery from laser surgery generally takes less time than recovery from TURP or open surgery.
- Less need for a catheter. Procedures to treat an enlarged prostate generally require use of a tube (catheter) to drain urine from the bladder after surgery. With laser surgery, a catheter is generally needed for less than 24 hours.
- More-immediate results. Improvements in urinary symptoms from laser surgery are noticeable right away. It can take several weeks to months to see noticeable improvement with medications.
- Maintain Antegrade Ejaculation
- No effect on Sexual function
- No Cutting or burning prostate issue
- Day Procedure
- Avoid side effect of medical therapy
- Most men living with prostate enlargement (BPH) symptoms take prescription medications after they’re diagnosed but these prescriptions often don’t provide adequate relief and may cause dizziness, fatigue, and sexual dysfunction.
- Medications don’t need to become a lifelong burden and men don’t need to wait until surgery is required to address the problem. With the UroLift System treatment, men suffering from BPH symptoms can avoid traditional surgery altogether.
- The UroLift® System treatment is a revolutionary, minimally invasive approach to treating an enlarged prostate, or BPH, that lifts or holds the enlarged prostate tissue out of the way so it no longer blocks the urethra. There is no cutting, heating or removal of prostate tissue.
- Overnight stay in hospital

Post Operative Care:
Some patients have: (For a very Short duration)
- Painful urination.
- Blood in urine.
- Blood in semen.
- Frequent urination.
Rezum Therapy(Steam Therapy)
- Rezum (NxThera Inc) is used for treating lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) presumed to be secondary to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). The technology uses the heat from radiofrequency-generated water vapour to ablate excess prostate tissue with the aim of relieving symptoms.

- Day procedure
- Home same day
- Will have cathether and will be removed in 5 days
- Symptoms of Prostate enlargement get better in 2-3 month
Post Operative Care:
Some Patient have:
- Painful urination.
- Blood in urine.
- Blood in semen.
- Frequent urination.
- Inability to urinate or completely empty the bladder.
- Need for short-term catheterization (Varies from 5 days to 2 weeks)